

The New Narrative Project is a prototype media platform designed to map, present, and define new ways to think about our collective situation. Creating new contexts for thinking at the confluence of art, design, technology, and philosophy is a core emphasis.

This new conception of a media platform will ultimately involve the formation of a local and global team of content creators, cinematographers, social media specialists, artists, and freelance journalists. The essential goal is to create experiences that communicate points of view that are rarely articulated and that may seem startling in comparison to what is presented by conventional media outlets. What this work will broadly introduce is an overview effect that redefines our place in the world by reimagining our collective possibilities. Rather than approach issues through the chronic polarities of the media marketplace, issues and ideas will be presented through the widest possible lens. The New Narrative Project was founded by artist, musician, filmmaker, and designer Steve Lomprey.

The New Narrative Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. If you are interested in supporting our work please go to the donation page to learn more.